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3 Things to Avoid When Learning Ballroom Dance

At Arthur Murray, we have a century of dancing and teaching experience backing us! We want to share 3 important things to avoid to get the most out of your ballroom dance experience!

3 Things to Avoid to Get the Most Out of Your Ballroom Dance Experience

learning ballroom dance

1. Don’t Skip Practice

We really can’t emphasize this enough. Becoming a good dancer is about layering. You learn a pattern. Then you repeat it enough times that it becomes natural, aka “muscle memory.” Once you reach that point, you add the next layer: following the correct rhythm or adding styling, for instance. Practice makes progress! If you haven’t done enough repetitions of the basic version, you will have trouble when you try to add the next layer.

Also, most benefits of dance come from the sheer amount and frequency of dancing. The more you dance, the more exercise you get. The more you dance, the more often your mood is elevated by the dopamine and serotonin released by rhythmic movements. The more you’re on the dance floor, the more likely you will meet other dancers and build relationships. You’re unlikely ever to dance too much, but you can easily dance too little.

2. Don’t Take It To Seriously

The early American craftsman Elbert Hubbard said, “The greatest mistake you can make in life is continually fearing that you’ll make one.” This thought alone can keep you from learning new things. Instead, “Dance like no one is watching!” 

We’re not suggesting you always be casual about dancing; there’s a time and a place for seriousness. The only standard is whether or not you’re better than you were the last time, which comes mainly from consistency. As long as you’re learning and practicing regularly, you can’t help but improve. 

Dancing is fun, and if you take it too seriously, you risk losing the sense of enjoyment. 

3. Don’t Be Afraid

“There is nothing to fear but fear itself.” If you’re afraid, you’ll hesitate, and that hesitation will cause even more errors. When you’re dancing, there are days you’ll feel like you have two left feet, and days you will feel like a pro. The most important thing is to keep at it!

Arthur Murray Lake Mary – 3 Things to Avoid When Learning Ballroom Dance

If you’re ready to jump into the exciting world of social dance, click here, and we’ll sign you up for a complimentary first lesson. We look forward to seeing you on the dance floor!